
I predict the next Jean FAD

So I recently went shopping with one of my girlfriends. We are the type of friends that have really nothing in common- Why do people with nothing in common have such great friendships? Anyways we headed for dinner and cocktails and then wandered the mall. She had a destination and I tagged along. She needed to stop into Abercrombie, I don't remember what she was looking for. I however, avoid those kinds of stores and can easily get panic attacks if I enter them. I was surprised that I casually waltzed right in. It must have been the numerous Vodka Collins I had at dinner. So upon entering we split up and wouldn't you know it, every damn employee working in the store at some point in my visit Greeted me. I am sure the upper management would have been proud- I was annoyed by there cute smiles (perfect teeth) and fit tan bodies. (which reminds me of a story a co-worker once told me. Abercrombie lost a lawsuit bigtime because they discriminated against employees who weren't your blonde, size 4, California surfer darlin'z) My friend couldn't find what she was looking for and with a second quick trip through the store we were heading for the door. But on our way out I had noticed this table of Men's Jeans. There was approximately 6 different styles of these grungy, paint splattered, large holes, small holes, ripped seams, and strategically faded pockets looking jeans. It really took me by surprise and I backed up to see the price tag. Can you guess?? Really guess- My weekly paycheck isn't that much (I am exaggerating) Those piece of shit jeans were $80 friggin dollars. Who in there right friggin mind would spend any money on that shit- Long ago when I was a poor art student- That was what we wore: Dirty, paint splattered, Photo chemically bleached, Ink smeared, probably lunch spilled JEANS. We purchased our clothes(jeans) at a local thrift store for probably $3- Went to our art classes and because we were so poor we couldn't afford aprons to protect our thrift store clothes and smeared art supplies on our thrift store clothes- So my question is, Who are the brilliant corporate clothes buyers for Abercrombie??? They get paid way to much- Well, since I am way ahead of the game- I will predict the next fad for jeans. And since the recent clothing trends seems to be eerily from 1985- I say that jeans will next have gold smears on them. You know METALLIC GOLD blotches all over it. I bet those could go for $95 or more (thousands if you use real gold) And then you could have silver or copper and even PLATINUM. Maybe I will get Paris Hilton to model them for me- I would be raking in the mula$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$


At July 24, 2005 5:54 PM, Blogger Ms SaraTee said...

Heya'll- I WAS RIGHT!!! I saw some jeans in this sunday ads (Kohls) and guess what they had gold splotches on them- (At first I thought it was mustard) Am I good or what?? Yeah I am a little psychic (keep that a secret!)


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