
Fishline in my Mouth

So like I said the other day I had my wisdom teeth pulled. First day= Great (still pretty numb) the second day=So/So and the third day= Mommy!! (well it wasn't that bad but I was in the dumps- You would be too if you hadn't eaten good food in 3 days) Today is the fourth day and my stitches came unraveled on one side- VERY ANNOYING- I have (2) half inch fishline string-thinga-bobs swirling around with my tongue and saliva- They are supposed to be dissolvable but I don't think they will- It feels like hardy fishline-Maybe I should tie a hook on one end and see what I can catch- What I really would like to catch would be a medium rare 8oz sirloin with creamy butter mashed potatoes and corn on the cob with a cold tall one- Ooh wait, I want a sausage pizza and garlic cheesy bread with dipping sauce- I actually could just settle for a good bowl of salsa, queso, and chips- Can you tell that all I have eaten in 4 days has been strawberry jello and tapioca pudding- I am very hungry!


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