
No Teeth Necklace for Me

I had my wisdom teeth yanked out of my skull yesterday- That sounds a little harsh- I was put to sleep by the doctor and that was great!!- As a very young child I was given nitrous oxide-oxygen at the dentist office and once in the 7th grade I was put to sleep because I had surgery on my foot (I was running through the living room and stepped on a sewing needle that was lodged inside my foot) but that was long before I experimented with controlled substances- So this time around the "laughing gas" was not so scary- It was very very lovely- Too bad I was in a dentist office and staring at my heart monitor machine- I remember waking up and trying real hard to remember my dream but I couldn't remember it- Maybe I made up a dream by what the dentist and her assistants were talking about- That happened to me once or twice before, I fell asleep with the TV on and had dreams that related to the audio from the TV- I guess there was a Yanni Concert on cable once long ago that I slept through, but I dreamt about Yanni -- Go figure-- I asked if I could have one of the teeth- My dentist said it was against policy because it is a BIO-HAZARDOUS material- UMmm so your telling me I have bio-hazardous material in my mouth or does it become bio-hazardous after it comes out of my mouth??? I wanted to string my teeth on a necklace and become the crazy old lady down the street- When the little kids come around I would rattle my teeth necklace at them- That should scare them away- Ya think?


At August 09, 2005 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever my dogs have had teeth pulled I get a huge bill along with a small plastic bottle containing the teeth. I've never requested those little pearly whites. Maybe a Vet would give you some canine teeth, you could always pretend that they're yours!


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