
Pierre and his Dagger

Have any of you ever gone to a real circus- where the freaks run the show?? You know fire breathing, tattooed faces, conjoined sisters, kind of circus? Well I recently tried out for a sideshow- I auditioned for the girl who stands against a wall and another person throws daggers at her- You know what I am talking about- I just wanted to get away from the 9-5 kind of job of sitting behind a desk answering the phone-I want to work where everyone is having fun and living life- Ya know?- So my audition was at 3:30pm sharp- I drove across town to the small armory building- I showed up on time if not a few minutes early- I thought, Who can't stand against a wall and be still for a couple of minutes? Surely I can do that- well maybe I trust people too much- I walked into a dimly lit room where a man is doing stretching exercises- He had this long curly hairdo- Something you would see on a doll- Tight ringlets- Seemed strange for a grown man but it is the Circus, right?- The circus officials had to measure my height and width, I guess for logistic reasons- so this guy 'Pierre the Dagger Thrower' started to warm up- he would take a deep breath and then throw a dagger- The motion was swift and seamless- The daggers just melted into the wooden wall- I could tell they were SHARP - it was mesmorizing to watch-He repeated this for awhile and finally in a thick french accent he said "Zara, where is my darling Zara" I approached him and we spoke briefly- He said "don't look me de eyez- You can shut your eyez if you like or keep them open, but don't look me de eyez, Okay? Zometimez the crowdz like it if you are a tad bit frightened, ya know. So pleaz stand there" I walked up to the wall and he positioned me- A spot light glared at me- My heart began to beat faster, but with a kind smile and a wink from Pierre I felt at ease- He walked briskly back to his daggers and turned around- His stare was intense and I remembered not to look him in da eyez- So I shut them- Then I opened them- Then I shut them again- I thought, just open your eyes no big deal- remember you are auditioning- So I opened them just in time to see Pierre raise his arm and begin to release the dagger- What was that?? What was that noise?? Was that a sneeze?? OOooh my foot felt like hot metal stabbed it- I looked down to see Pierre's dagger jabbed in my foot- affixing it to the floor- It happened all so fast- But I knew they would have to pull it out- I believe that is when I lost consciousness-


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