
What Book am I reading? You asked

I have never been one to read books- I must be a touch too ADD to actually sit and read- My mind always wanders off over there and then meanders back again- But in the recent years some books have held my attention long enough where I can actually finish the book- Like last summer when I read two of Louis L'Amour books- I picked them up at a garage sale- I love Clint Eastwood westerns and thought these stories would be similar- One was even Sci-Fi (yep Western- Sci-Fi) Then this spring my co-worker Paulette, lent me the Black Dahlia Avenger (the son of a suspected serial killer wrote a book- a movie will be coming out in 2006) Oooooh that one I could NOT put down- Disturbing, just the way I like em- She now wants me to start the William Kent Krueger mystery series- He is a local writer who actually sits in my neighborhood to create murders and mystery - The settings for his books take place up in Northern Minnesota- I heard about Eden Robinson and her book Monkey Beach before I moved back to Minnesota- so I went to my local library and checked that one out- I really enjoyed that novel- I don't gravitate towards one genre or style- But mysteries can keep my attention better than love and romance- I am just now as an adult learning to enjoy written words- I am a visual kind of person- People watching or movies held my interest before- Here are some more authors that I have enjoyed Laurie Notaro (One absolutely funny lady) Tony Hillerman (PBS had made a couple movies of his books and introduced me to his good mysteries and Leaphorn) I recently finished Goodbye, Little Rock and Roller by Marshall Chapman- That book was a GREAT read- And I had never heard of her or the book- I purely purchased it because of the cover- It is great- One of the best impulse buys of my entire life, I think?- Now I am reading Ghost Rider: Travels On the Healing Road by Neil Peart- That is the book I mentioned in an earlier blog entry- You know the one I can't put down- I am hooked- The book is autobiographical- After he suffers a family tragedy he jumps on his BMW R1100GS and travels the Northern Continent- From Quebec to Alaska down towards Mexico and Belize- He needs to heal and has no destination other than to keep moving- I love traveling and especially the romantic notion by motorcycle- But I don't think I could ride 55,000 miles by motorcycle- I came across this book by accident- Neil just recently published Traveling Music that I almost purchased (I buy books for the covers, really!) but decided to start with an earlier work and that is how I magically came across Ghost Rider- I should get back to reading my book- Other authors worth mentioning- The Road to Coorwain Jill Ker Conway -- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest Ken Kesey-- Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury-- Fight Club Chuck Palahniuk (not for the weak)-- There are so many great authors not enough room or time to get in too deep


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