
Have you been CUBED?

I was going through boxes and stuff- Ya know cause I was organizing my room- And I came across these small doodles that were created on napkins- A couple of my friends & I had created them long ago while philosophizing about life over beers- Oh the good old times of drinking and wondering why the world is the way it is- I remember the night pretty well- We were sitting in a bar in West Duluth, Minnesota- A bar with my favorite Rocker/Metal/Hockey/Blue Collar kind of clientele- I was with my good friends' Dan and Beth- At the time, Dan and I were dating- My friend Beth had just gotten a book called Secrets of the Cube: The Ancient Visualization Game that Reveals your True Self- The book is a self discovery game where you are asked some questions and then they provide some universal interpretations for your answers- Basically interpreting who you are and the people you surround yourself with- You are asked to write down the descriptions- but we, being the highly creative bunch, decided to draw them-
Imagine a desert- (this can be a real one or fantasy, your choice)
In this desert, there is a cube- (write down at least 5 adjectives describing your cube, appearance, mood etc.)
Now, in the desert, there is also a ladder-(what is the ladder made of? Where is it in relation to the cube? Approximately how many rungs does it have? many, several, few?
In the desert there is also a horse- (what kind of horse is it? What color? Where is it going? Does it have a saddle or bridle or not? If so what kind?
Somewhere in the desert is a storm- (What kind of storm is this? Where do you see it? And does it effect the cube, the ladder, and the horse, or not? If so how?
And finally, in this desert there are flowers- (Where are the flowers? Are there many or few? What color & what kind?

Before you read any further make sure you have written down the thoughts- I don't want to ruin the game for you- You should know I am going to give the universal interpretations next- If you are curious and want more answers the book is written by Annie Gottlieb and Slobodan D Pesic- You should check it out in your local bookstore-
Here is the master key:

The cube is YOU- your self portrait- The adjectives you wrote down describe yourself- (many more details inside the book)

The ladder represents your friends and co-workers- (more details inside the book)

The horse is your lover/ life partner-(more details inside the book)

The storm is trouble/ upset/ challenge- Life's power to stir things up-

The flowers are children of your body &/or mind-"your baby"- Whatever you create and nurture-

The desert is your life and your view on the world-

Here are our interpretations or drawings of our CUBE's-Much has taken place in our lives together as friends and as well in our individual journeys since that night- I will describe my cube in the next entry since I don't remember the details of the others- Sorry if I have ruined the cubed experience for any of you- If you haven't wrote down your description of your desert you should do that know- Looking at other peoples interpretations can sway your own visual interpretation-


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