
Sweet Broken Tooth

As a child, my mother rarely bought us "sugar" cereal. We always got the healthy fibrous bran kind. But I always seemed to empty 2/3 of the sugar bowl onto my healthy breakfast. Which I guess you wouldn't classify as healthy anymore. I admit it, I have a sweet tooth. Now as an adult I can purchase the (highly overpriced) sugary cereal all I want, but have learned that they are kinda gross. I will eat only certain sugary cereals. I buy generic frosted flakes, frosted shredded wheat, and Sugar Smacks or Honeycombs. But it usually is frosted flakes. (cheap) I could care less about any prizes inside the boxes, but this morning I got a big surprise! At first, I thought it was a 10 carat diamond. My puffy sleepy eyes had a hard time focusing on it. It glimmered and twinkled in the morning light and I almost cracked a tooth on it. I spooned it up and realized it was just a very large crystallized sugar glob. I throw it back in the milk to dissolve. And by the time I finished my bowl of generic frosted flakes, it was gone.


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