
What are friends for

I recently found out one of my fabulously awesome old friends' has become very sick- And it got me thinking about all the friends I have had in my entire 33 years of existence- I have lost touch with many of them or even told a few to Fuck Off (only to regret it) Sometimes people say we are shaped by our family and especially by our parents. I believe that our parents bring a certain percentage of values to us, but we are fashioned by our friends- People come into our lives for a reason- Old and Young- They teach us information- Good or Bad- They are like stepping stones- They remind us to stay on the path of Our Journey-We all have our own distinct journey that we are slowly walking- Sometimes we get distracted and a stranger will be there to calm down our anxiety or lend a helping hand in some way- I call them roadside prophets- Wise Strangers- Some people believe in reincarnation and in every reincarnated life, we keep the same souls with and around us- That is what we choose for ourselves before we even come to Earth or this LIFE (I must hang out in the metaphysical section of my local bookstore too much) I know the people I have brought into my friendship circle are here for a reason- I was instantly drawn to many of them- Some I couldn't stand at first, then found out we had similar interests- I have been completely fashioned by my friends- Especially my friends from my youth- It wasn't my mother who got me really drunk for the first time, it was my friends. It wasn't my mothers' bathroom that I then passed out in or my father's rum we stole, it was my friends. (I haven't touched rum since) It wasn't my mother who wanted to see Bon Jovi, or Motley Cure, or god forbid Poison. It was my friends, specifically Inger and Ericka. It wasn't my mother who made me look like an ass infront of a boy I had a crush on. It was my friends. You can't pick your mother but you can pick your friends- Love & Embrace the friendships you have- And for all of my friends, old and new that come across this, know that I feel so very special to have you in my life and I hope I have given the love back to YOUY


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