
Mis-Sung Lyrics

I never sing OUT LOUD- not even if I am ALONE- never really have- Well I used to sing Opera (I was just making loud Opera-like noises that would scare my dog) but that doesn't count- I have the worst voice ever- So I Lyp Sync- If I love a song I will pretend that the person singing is really me (man or woman doesn't matter) I usually play air guitar or air drums- Because I have very bad short term memory, I can never remember lyrics- I have bad hearing too and most of the time I can never make out what some singers are singing- So recently I looked up the lyrics to a Ryan Adams song and was surprised that I was Lyp Syncing totally different words- He was singing "I am missing a page" and I was lyp syncing "I miss Sam & Paige" Maybe that is why I don't sing out loud because I can never get the lyrics right- I won't quit my day job!

Any other Lyrics mis-sung by you folks out there?
Like..... don't fear the Reaper otherwise sung Don't fear the Refer


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