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I cropped this to just the image- It says Island Hopping, Anyone? Some day I will go to this place- I just wish it was sooner than later- I really want to take some time off- Have I mentioned that I had a rough 2005? - Well exhaustion has settled in firmly- I won't be able to take a vacation for another 365 days (or more) I will actually be chained to my desk at work- No joke- Usually with my tax refund (yes, I get money back because I was smart enough to stay in an appropriate tax bracket) I usually buy a plane ticket and venture as far as my two dollars and eighty six cents will get me- Well then I charge the rest of course- This year because I don't have PAID vacation yet - I can't go anywhere- So I decided I will use the money for a extreme makeover- No, it doesn't entail buying 50 cases of booze (that sounds like a goooood vacation though) I will attempt to find a personal trainer who can teach me the correct way to RE-FORM my body (remember how I had physical therapy for my knee then three months later I F#!%$ up my back with my lopsided walk caused by my gangrened foot) I want to FIRM up my 30 something body- Otherwise all my tattoos will get stretched out- Who wants to see a 8 inch wide image of Papa Smurf on my ass- I sorta already started working out on my own- My back feels really good too- And no it is not because I found a Vicodin in my sock drawer- One draw back to getting healthy is you have to STAY committed to it- I have been told, I have commitment issues or atleast that is what the therapist said- Men, healthy lifestyle, my paycheck, ANY and ALL projects that I have started- It doesn't matter- You know smoking and cutting back on the booze was actually easier than I thought- Wink, Wink "All this fresh air filling my lungs, I want a cigarette"


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