

I am not afraid to fly my freak flag- Here is the progress on one of many- This is my foot- Do you think it healed nicely? Well, I do- Considering what I had gone through- It has been 6 full months since I had my minor (major) surgery- And, I never got gangrene- The area around my scar still has a slightly bruised appearance- I haven't curled my toes yet- Imagine they haven't curled in 6 months- I haven't cracked my toe in 6 months (the same day of the surgery- Instintually, I went to crack my toes by curling my toes- You don't know what real PAIN is- And I haven't tried since then) I am not sure they are ready for that just yet- I just started wearing my high heeled boots- But, I still wear my orthopedic shoes to work- Oh wait, they are not true orthopedic shoes- They are just part of the corporate uniform- My lopsided walk has corrected itself (thankfully) My back is feeling better too- This is my 3rd sign of a stigmata- Seriously- I now have 3 significant scars: One on my left hand, One on my left foot, and now this one on my right foot- Coincidence? Maybe?

Some other People who FLY their FREAK FLAGS
I was having lunch with my girlfriend- She was telling me how she was discussing her current medical conditions with her soon-to-be 70 something year old mother-in-law. My friend had a MRI to try and solve her chronic urinary track infections (Too much information? sorry) After her MRI results were in she found out, she has a few Kidney Stones in one kidney and then the other kidney has a Cyst (OUCH) By having the MRI she found there are some abnormalities (aka..birth defects) with her kidney's, bladder and the tubes that connect them all- Nope, the doctor wasn't going to do anything about the kidney stones or cyst- And the reason she went in was for the infections- Nope, he didn't know why they happen so often and didn't give her ways into lessen the frequency only some antibiotics for when they occur-Why go to that doctor? He only gave you more "Worrisome News"- My Friend is the worst worrier- The Worst- Her soon-to-be mother-in-law has also not been healthy- Well for the last 6 months- She has Diabetes and has had some complications- Like a OPEN sore on her foot which had not healed for over 6 months (I can relate) Which got infected a few times that landed her in the hospital- Finally, six months later she got a skin graft over the OPEN sore- So here my friend was telling her soon-to-be mother-in-law about her issues- When her soon-to-be 70 somethng year old mother-in-law turns to her and said "at least you don't have Penis Skin on your foot" -Yes, her Skin Graft is apparently the extra skin from a circumcision
Fly Yer Freak Flags


At February 09, 2006 3:00 PM, Blogger Sven said...

How about this for a Freak Flag.


This was taken one week after my wife had posterior fossa decompression to correct a Chiari Malformation. It is not 4&1/2 months later and she finally feels normal again.

At February 10, 2006 5:13 PM, Blogger Ms SaraTee said...

Weww boy- She's got everyone beat- luckily she can cover her scar with hair-


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