
Don't Make Me Get My Can of Whoop Ass

Two incidents happened to me within the week-

Incident #One- I have been browsing condos and small houses online for a while and I came across one that was too good to be true- I knew it was near a shady neighborhood (by the word shady I mean riddled with crime) I mapped it out and saw that it could be on the edge of this shady neighborhood- So I decided I would drive by the building- The condo was right smack dab in the shady neighborhood- As I drove by I came up to an intersection- I didn't have a stop sign but the crossing traffic did- Before I approached the intersection I noticed a Pimped Out white Escalade had stopped and began to proceed through the intersection- They then slowed down and stopped in the middle of the intersection blocking my way- These 3 young men just sat in the middle of the intersection, just starring at me- My now panicked brain started its long list of WTF scenario's- I had visions of carjacking flashing through my head- What were they waiting for- Had I drove onto unwelcomed turf- Then I remembered I had passed a man on a bicycle- Maybe they were waiting for him to reach the intersection- Then I had visions of gunfire between the man on the bike and these men in their Pimped Out White Escalade and I would have been in the middle of the crossfire- To which the coroner would have labeled me, the white female DOA "in the wrong place at the wrong time"- And my mother would say "why was she in that area of town?" - I put my blinker on and then the Pimped Out white Escalade began to move through the intersection and proceeded slowly down the road and I got the HELL out of there fast- Back over to my side of the freeway- And NO, I am not going to buy that really nice condo that is too good to pass up-

Incident #Two- I was on my way to work and the exit from the freeway has two turning lanes when you turn to the right- So when you turn you better stay within you lane- So if you can predict what happens next -yep- this red mini-van while turning came into my lane and didn't even see me- typical male- I swerved and did a courteous honk like "hello-dumb ass" - I couldn't have predicted what happened next- This man started waving his arms out the window and yelling at me through his review mirror and side mirrors- He was pretty upset- I haven't seen someone so upset before and looking RIGHT at me- He then came to a complete stop and blocked traffic as he continued yelling at me in his mirrors-I have NO idea what he was saying because I can't read lips- I then thought he was going to get out of his car and approach me- I wouldn't want to have to get my can of Whoop Ass out- There was a lot of traffic and while he blocked the traffic it was apparent there were numerous witnesses- Another van slowed down next to him (probably my guardian angel) and then angry man snapped out of his ROAD RAGE fit and began driving forward again- I have never been in that situation- I had the right of way and he didn't- I honked to alert him that he was in my lane and I didn't want him to hit my car- He acted like a complete ASS- and then I thought what if this ASS did hit my car- He probably would have been yelling like that to me, in my face- Could I have held it together without clobbering him- Probably not- I am sure glad I don't have to encounter him again- Ass


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