
Murder in My Neighborhood

There was a murder in my quiet neighborhood yesterday. It must of taken place without anyone's notice. As I was walking from my car to the front door I notice some remains. Totally unaware of what I was looking at because there was a lack of blood, I bent down to get a closer look. I then realized I was looking at a bird's wing. Bird's don't just loose their wings, feathers and all. It's not like the bird was flying so fast that a wing came loose and plummeted to the ground. There must of been a violent act of crime with in feet of my home. I then remembered the Black Neighborhood Cat was wondering around chasing song birds outside my bedroom window. I like my little forest refuge within feet of my bedroom window. Cardinals sing, Robins hop around, and numerous Squirrels will run through the trees chasing each other. This is the same little forest refuge that I saw a HUGE hawk stalking a rabbit last summer. But now that my crazed WEEDWACKER neighbor cut all the small saplings down- Some of my little woodland friends must have gotten a little disoriented and become lunch for the damn Black Neighborhood Cat. Rest in Peace little birdie.


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