
The Inconvientent Truth

all I would like to say is:

Thank you , Al Gore for enlightening me and hopefully many other people on the death of our planet. Planet Earth. Thank you!
In my defensive for my comment made last year- I have always been aware that our planet had climatic changes taking place- I am not an insensitive individual- Or towards other peoples beliefs- But I have always believed OVER POPULATION was a large factor in the destruction of our planet- The scientific facts are in and when the politicians low balled or discredited the first whistle blowers (the scientists)- I am glad Al Gore had the balls to take his celebrity and use his power to speak about this and contribute the facts to oscar winning movie makers- In a greater scheme of things, Al Gore is doing better things for our nation and the world by speaking out about Global Warming than he probably could EVER of done while as the President-
You Go, Al Gore!


At March 19, 2007 7:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately most of Gore's premise on the the cause has already been refuted.


1) Carbon dioxide started to increase AFTER the warming started. This is something Gore decided to leave out of his "documentary".

2) Many of the planets in our solar system are also warming.

3) Warming and cooling is natural and evidence points the sun to be the cause of climate change.

At March 19, 2007 5:15 PM, Blogger Ms SaraTee said...

Oh, so who refuted Gore's premise on the cause?

gee, could it have been the Bush Administration?

Anonymous, I don't know where you received your DATA, but I can tell by your comment that you haven't seen Gore's Documentary.


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