
Well, my loyal readers. Today is the last day of 2011. I can honestly say that it has been a good year. I can't remember the last time I said that. Nothing horrible happened and a lot of nice things happened.

* It was my first year in many years that I didn't get drunk! Not Once! Sure, I drank but I drank with extreme moderation. It was a personal experiment that went well.

* This past year at work has been actually good. Even though I curse it many times, many times on Mondays for sure. But it gave me a steady income and it was a lot better than last year when I almost committed myself to an insane institution. No joke.

* I went back to school in the fall due primarily of the previous remark. Last year I decided that I needed to work doing something else. Doing something that would make me happy. Work at a place with like minded people. I needed to get back to my roots of creativity and art making. And just maybe, just maybe somebody would pay me money to do it. Experiment still in progress.

* I purchased a car. My mom had been telling me to buy a new one for the past 2 years. Due to the constant complaining of what problem my previous car was having. We are both pleased with the new wheels.

* My doctor bills were nil compared to the past two years. Woot Woo!

* I saw the man of my dreams. Well, technically the man "in" my dreams was wearing a red plaid shirt, had dark curly hair, a steamer cap, and maybe glasses. but this experiment is just about to begin. cross my fingers he isn't married. sometimes you have to circle them a few times before you make any moves.....


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