
Pork Barrel? Earmark? What?

John McCain, what the hell is a 'pork barrel' and an 'earmark'? During the debates every time I hear those words I do a shot of Tequila. Gulp....
It eases the pain.........Gulp

Pork Barrel n: Government projects or appropriations yielding rich patronage benefits
Earmark vb 1:to mark with an earmark (WTH?) 2: to designate for a specific purpose


Unexpectantly Rewarded for Working ASS Off!!!

I have been working my ASS off for the last 3 months or more. Hence the limited and lame blog entries. My long awaited promotion took in effect right as my department began our CRAZY BUSY season AND I had to train in a new employee.......so I was loosing my marbles NOT weekly or daily but on a hourly schedule. Funny thing is two weeks ago I was so frustrated and felt under appreciated that I almost walked out to NEVER return again. Funnier thing is that yesterday my boss called me into his office, NOT to tell me I could become more effective (more like stop making mistakes) but to tell me I was going to be salaried with a raise! WTF! And this is unusual because our company won't do reviews until March 2009.

How cool is that??

Super KOOL! because MANY Americans out there are seeing no raises or even wage cuts- The funniest thing is that even with my .72 cent raise I will probably be making $25 LESS than when I worked all that overtime at $24 an hour. I better just become more "effective" with my time!!
