
Caught Red Handed

Yep, they caught me- I have to say it was one of the best speed traps I have seen- Hell, they got me- It was on a steep incline with the sun setting just so, that the glare is very bad- It was on a road I drive everyday- A road I drive really fast every day- Because it is steep and you drive up hills faster than you should- At first I didn't know what was happening- With the sun glaring in my eyes, I actually almost ran one over- It appeared that one jumped out infront of my car- I must have had a puzzled look on my face- He asked me if I knew why they had pulled me over- I didn't- But I am not that slow- I figured out that it was because I was going faster than the posted limit- They tagged me at 45 in a 30mph zone- As they pulled me over they must have forgotten to keep scanning the vehicles coming up the hill- Because some people were flying up the hill and didn't get pulled over- But shortly after they pulled me over they pulled over another car- The officer was very pleasant and I am sure after he saw that I don't have anything on my record he had to make sure I knew how to PAY for my criminal action- He kept asking if I had any questions- Hummm.... nope, should I- It has been awhile since the police had to reprimand me- It has been over 15 years since I got my last speeding ticket and I believe it cost me $40 dollars- That time I was driving down a steep incline and never put on my breaks- I was also doing 45 in a 30mph zone- My how inflation has grown over the years- Now my ticket is $118- I'll take this ticket without any complaining- Karma- And if this is as bad as it gets- I'll take it because I have been pretty naughty with my criminal activity


***DJ Saratee's Friday Setlist***

* I Hate Myself for Loving You (Live)- Joan Jett & the Black Hearts

* Be My Lover- Alice Cooper

* Like a Stone- Audioslave

* Ace of Spades- Motorhead

* Nobody's Fool- Cinderella

* Rocket Queen- Guns N Roses

Brought to by the faithfull attendees of Dibbos, Hudson, Wisconsin-- Please feel free to make a request


Coming Soon: Good Music

Some music definitely worth checking out if you live in the Twin City area- If you wander out you will probably see me
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*Thursday, February 23 at Fine Line--Haley Bonar oops ya almost missed her

*Saturday, February 25 at 400 Bar--The Deadstring Brothers

*Tuesday, February 28 at White Eagle Saloon, Portland Oregon--Mary Gauthier

*Saturday, March 4 at O'Shaughnessy Auditorium--Lucinda Williams

*Saturday March 4-SMA Records Showcase!! featuring Ol' Yeller, Flamin' Oh's, The Gleam, The New Vintage, Mike Nicolai @ the Cabooze

*Saturday, March 11 at Famous Daves Mpls--White Iron Band

***Wednesday, March 29 at First Avenue--Neko Case

*Friday, March 31 at The Cabooze--White Iron Band

*Friday & Saturday, April 7 & 8th at Hexagon--The Gleam

*Friday, April 21 at Lees Liquor Lounge --Wayne "The Train"Hancock


Bad Timing

I got this postcard from a friend in the mail the other day- The title to this is 'Bad Timing'- Get it? A stork is bringing a baby the same day the world is going to HELL- I'd say that is very bad timing- So this could dispute the phrase "Things happen for a reason" Becaus.....Why?



Patons 346
Originally uploaded by Phreddy.
Please submit titles for this image- Or if you're creative and have free time write a short--short story

Thought Provoking Quotes

“Ambition or interest is not enough…..true talent lies with the choices you make…..and you my friend are an idiot”--- Dr Phil

"I was born many miles from where I was suppose to be- I was just coming home"---Bob Dylan

"It’s risky to venture into the unknown. It’s risky to dream and dive in"---Robert Perkins: Looking For John Muir 1998

"Her life was great, she knew that. Yet she constantly dreamed of simpler times.
Longed for some lost intangible openness. Until she remembered that is how she filled the emptiness back then- was to dream of a life, like she has now"---Paul Madonna

"One of those incredible conversations where you feel the beer seep coolly down into the dry toots of your chest and the ability to communicate isn’t held back by any bias"----Paul Madonna

"I was really wild
Thought I knew how to act
Getting high in the bathroom
Bored in the red leather booths at Jack’s
And I rarely smile
And I often laughed
At the way that the world and the war of love
Was kicking my ass."

“If you bring forth what is within you,
What you will bring forth will save you.
If you do not bring forth what is within you,
What you do not bring forth will destroy you."

"Fairy tales sometimes do come true.
Happy Endings and all.
Remember to celebrate when you achieve a goal.
Balance the here and now for smooth sailing into the future." Orange

"Your depression has taken off like Mad Cow Disease or the Bird Flu"---Saratee

"Don’t call me tonight I’ll be drunk"---- Saratee

Why do I like Hooters? I’ll give you two reasons---- Michael Scott (Steve Carell, The Office)



Disclaimer: This is not a Saratee original it was photographed by Saratee as she paused her TV and took a photograph- However Saratee has this image in her cubicle at work to remind her that Pushing Paper is only temporary as she plans for her next adventure


Music Ya Love at a Discount

Has anyone seen this movie- I rented it through Netflix over a year ago- I heard Jay had done the score and I was very intrigued- The movie was good- definitely my kind of movie- Dreery people in a dreeery town, trying Not to let their dreery lives get them down- Very interesting characters (sigh..Ryan Gosling) The setting was a small western town with many ghosts- I love these types of towns- Some people think about going on a Caribbean cruise for vacation, I think about jumping in my car with my camera and driving west- Jay is a master at putting music to broken dreams, people, places- I have been a faithful follower since 2000- And actually I was pretty late to the show- When Uncle Tupelo broke up-majority of their fans took to following one or the other- (and if you don't know who Uncle Tupelo is-- they were a small legendary rock group from the early 90's who have influenced more musicians and music styles then you think- Uncle Tupelo had two dominant songwriters and subsequently two growing egos- The band broke up and now we are blessed with two fantastic bands: Son Volt and Wilco) A very small group of fans followed both songwriters- I was one who followed Jeff Tweedy- He was a lot more up beat and I had no stomach for Jay's music- I always said "I would rather shoot myself in the foot then listen to Son Volt" I remember the day when I put a Son Volt cassette into my car's tape deck and drove to work listening to Trace- I had somehow crossed over- And I never looked back- My mother calls this kind of music Honky Tonk- I don't think she has ever heard real Honky Tonk because she would know this just good RockNrolL with a dash of Honky Tonk- The soundtrack is a must have if you are a Jay follower- It is on the Bloodshot label with the music from Vic Chesnutt, Freakwater, Wylie and the Wild West, Blood Oranges, Ryan Adams, Speedy West and Jimmie Bryant, Neko Case, Jimmie Dale Gilmore and the Flatlanders, Malcolm Holocombe Group, Uncle Tupelo, Pernice Brothers, and Jay Farrar- I got my CD for $5.95 at Cheapo- Score (no pun intended)



I am not afraid to fly my freak flag- Here is the progress on one of many- This is my foot- Do you think it healed nicely? Well, I do- Considering what I had gone through- It has been 6 full months since I had my minor (major) surgery- And, I never got gangrene- The area around my scar still has a slightly bruised appearance- I haven't curled my toes yet- Imagine they haven't curled in 6 months- I haven't cracked my toe in 6 months (the same day of the surgery- Instintually, I went to crack my toes by curling my toes- You don't know what real PAIN is- And I haven't tried since then) I am not sure they are ready for that just yet- I just started wearing my high heeled boots- But, I still wear my orthopedic shoes to work- Oh wait, they are not true orthopedic shoes- They are just part of the corporate uniform- My lopsided walk has corrected itself (thankfully) My back is feeling better too- This is my 3rd sign of a stigmata- Seriously- I now have 3 significant scars: One on my left hand, One on my left foot, and now this one on my right foot- Coincidence? Maybe?

Some other People who FLY their FREAK FLAGS
I was having lunch with my girlfriend- She was telling me how she was discussing her current medical conditions with her soon-to-be 70 something year old mother-in-law. My friend had a MRI to try and solve her chronic urinary track infections (Too much information? sorry) After her MRI results were in she found out, she has a few Kidney Stones in one kidney and then the other kidney has a Cyst (OUCH) By having the MRI she found there are some abnormalities (aka..birth defects) with her kidney's, bladder and the tubes that connect them all- Nope, the doctor wasn't going to do anything about the kidney stones or cyst- And the reason she went in was for the infections- Nope, he didn't know why they happen so often and didn't give her ways into lessen the frequency only some antibiotics for when they occur-Why go to that doctor? He only gave you more "Worrisome News"- My Friend is the worst worrier- The Worst- Her soon-to-be mother-in-law has also not been healthy- Well for the last 6 months- She has Diabetes and has had some complications- Like a OPEN sore on her foot which had not healed for over 6 months (I can relate) Which got infected a few times that landed her in the hospital- Finally, six months later she got a skin graft over the OPEN sore- So here my friend was telling her soon-to-be mother-in-law about her issues- When her soon-to-be 70 somethng year old mother-in-law turns to her and said "at least you don't have Penis Skin on your foot" -Yes, her Skin Graft is apparently the extra skin from a circumcision
Fly Yer Freak Flags


Dusting Made Easy

Does anyone else dust their house with Canned Air? Yes, it makes cleaning so much easier and fast!- Except the dust just moves over to another shelf or static electric surface (such as the TV screen) My can of Canned Air has gone empty and I haven't even dusted off my keyboard, the real use for my Canned Air
