
5 days a week, 8 hours a day, you go and hammer square pegs into round holes.  When do you say "enough"

I say it .... enough, enough, ENOUGH!

then you get paid and then you kinda say ...

a little more pain please.


I am excieted to share with all of you that I have one week left of this semester.  Woot woo. I survived a year of school. That is kinda a biggy in my book, because not only did I survive school, I survived school along with an intense stressfull job. Both together! And I got all A's.  First thing I will be doing on my summer break?  Clean my house, because with the hectic schedule I've had, it looks like a 20 year old guy lives in my house.  I never knew I was such a slob!

Dizzy yet? This is actually upside down but who would know

Colored pencil drawing. Its just colorful
