
Busy People Never Leave Time For Themselves

My List To Do Before Summer is Officially Over:

go hit golf balls with Tami
make canoe plans with Beth
have fondue with Paulette
go to the horse races with Les
send Ma (Jean Pierre) a postcard
email Inger
call my friend Gretchen
make plans for a summer day road trip to the Spam Museum


Looking to Exploit Myself Even More

I am looking for a part time job if anyone knows of anything- Seriously- I had a few leads but they sort of took a nose dive into the pooper- I want MONEY- The dirty green stuff- It is sort of ironic that I want more money because I believe money has its own branch on the Evil family tree- but Evil has me by the balls- I am saving up for some large expenses and of course I want them yesterday- I will do most anything except shovel horse or cow shit in 90 degree weather- I might recall that requirement next week if I can't find something with better benefits- Give me a heads up if you see anything that is part time- Evenings and Weekends


The Gleam at the 400 Bar

July, 18 2006 at 400 Bar- Minneapolis, MN 55400 Cost:

Opening up for our bud Scott H. Biram and his buds Black Diamond Heavies. This one will be ugly. We play at 9, which means 9! If we don't, Scott won't be able ta start at 11 and burn til dawn, which means we will suffer, in fact the whole world would suffer.


365 Days of Bloggin

Holla - I have made it one full year on this here Bloggin Journey- It has been very exciting and sometimes challenging- Never knew I had such horrible grammar- Hell, never knew I could ever get writers block- I have exposed my secret Saratee UnderWorld to the Universe and haven't been jailed or executed yet- I am glad I breathed air into the lungs of my alter ego (but really she has been around for awhile) She is Sassy- She is Quick Witted- She is Sarcastic- She is Thought Provoking- She is basically and completely Nuts- No one else can make her laugh- So she has to make herself laugh- I have become very comfortable writing in the third person- The enthusiasm is still here and well, the booze isn't- My wonderful creative stories that 99% of my family believed are true events will continue if my writers block would just go away- My family never knew I live a double life


And When You Say "Your Friend" Does That Really Mean, You?

I have this friend that..........(insert something embarrassing or ultra secret or taboo)

Saratee says: I have this friend that is obsessed with reading his horoscopes everyday and also when she eats a fortune cookie he won't say the fortune out loud- She makes everyone read it, and then he puts the fortunes in a very special box- She has kept almost every single one that he has ever had- And when I say friend, I don't mean myself.


The Crowning of Princezz Saratee


Fotos of Family Having Fun

Thrilling Tubing Ride of the Century

No photographs were taken, no tongue was bitten off, and the raw bloody elbows now have scabs- I went tubing for the first time over the weekend- It may look fun and exciting- The little cousins loved it- Little did I know how much pain would consume my body- I had friends years ago that spent a sunny afternoon tubing and then afterwards described the pain "like being in a car accident"- I will agree-The little cousins sat inside the tube with barely their heads peaking out- Me, the novice thought that is how I would also enjoy the ride- NOPE- I had to lay on my stomach across the tube- I held on for dear life because I thought I would win points if I stayed on longer- Much like when you are bull riding- In four words- I am too OLD- It wasn't until after they asked me to sign The Guestbook that I realized I had really signed a waiver form- So I could not in any way take them to court for emotional distress- The muscles in my armpits hurt the most- I think it is my pectoral muscles but my Massage Therapist roommate is not here to ask- And no she is not here to give me a massage and directing me to a speedy recovery- If need be, I have my little stash of Vicodin
