Major Theme Going Around: The Economy
I have been keeping both eyes on all and any news regarding the economy. Well, letting most of it go in one ear and out the other, except what pertains to me and my financial future. I am just starting to pull myself out of debt and I want to make sure I STAY out of debt. Also and most importantly I want to cash in on any airfares, cheap vacation packages, cheap cruises, lower priced Sony Bravia flat screen TV (I have my eye on you and I won't let you out of my sight) I fortunately work in a business that isn't affected by the poor economy. Much like those Morticians......I only say that cuz I recently had a weird experience at the gas station. The hearse driver seriously reminded me of Lurch from the Adams Family. He was tall and lanky but alot cuter and younger..... but still a little creepy. Not to get off subject but I was pumping my car full of that wonderful $1.66 a gallon of gas. Off in my own world staring into space like most people do when they are pumping gas. I happened to be facing in a direction that a person was getting out of a hearse. I, still in my zone, didn't see that this hearse driver smiled at me. I, still in my own little world, never saw him smile until he stopped smiling and looked away totally disgusted. Only did I realize this guy just smiled at me and it appeared that I must of looked liked I was glaring right at him and didn't return a smile. Totally Awkward. But back to the economy and all those price slashing.......this coming weekend is crazy holiday shopping extravaganza...if you see any super "can't believe your eyes" sales......definitely give me a heads up!!11.09.2008
the WASP's are OUT and the Mutt's are IN....I've always been a big fan of mutt's. Mostly of the canine kind.
"They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them"Barack Obama~on rural working class voters (A blogger recorded the comment during a San Francisco fund raiser that excluded the press)
Saratee Response: That pretty much describes AMERICA. Rural or Urban or Suburban.......
Yes, the polls are closed and I'd like to report the EIGHT year Curse is over!!!!Hallelujah!!
whats the proof you ask that this curse is over? It didn't matter who won the election. (kinda) Only that Evil and Evil II were properly asked to leave and Wow were they asked by an amazing record number of voters......and the true sign for me.....I saw a pair of Bald Eagles soaring in the morning sky...(sign of good luck)
I would like to publicly thank all you Americans who realized we needed change. Change to my EIGHT year Curse. Especially those of you out there that stood in line for more than one and a half hours (because thankfully I only stood in line for 1 hour) anything more than an hour and half is determination. Only the American way.
11.03.2008 |