Went to Church and Didn't Burst into Flames
I accompanied my parents to church last Saturday evening- I don't remember the last time I went to church when it wasn't a wedding or funeral- It has been a looooong time- As I walked through the front doors I was waiting for my flesh to begin to heat up and blister then sizzle and finally burst into red hot flames- Didn't happen- Jesus must shrly love me- I told my mother that I was brining my camera and she said I couldn't sit near her- As we pulled into the parking lot I don't remember what the conversation was about but she said everyone inside would be old and I would be the youngest person there because the younger generations don't go to church anymore- I asked if I would win a prize - She laughed- Yeap, I didn't win that Free Ipod prize with the pre-programmed religious hymns & gospels- And I WAS the youngest person there- I was SO tempted to pull out my camera a couple times during the service- I wouldn't say I was bored but very pre-occupied by all the beautiful stained glass windows and statues- My mother was telling me that during their first visit to this charming church, they wondered who the statues were of- There had to be 6 life size statues inside- I immediately pointed out Jesus for her- I do remember what he looks like or the Anglo-Saxon historical version- My parents don't belong to this parish but came upon this charming little church on the West side of Saint Paul one recent afternoon- They enjoyed the priest and church so much that they had to go back - My mother said she liked the priest because he was concerned with Social and Political Justice- And his message was not Preachy- He allowed you to think for yourself about his message instead of being force feed, to the point where you begin to gag- Oh wait, that is my own interpretation of church- Personally, I would like a more interactive church service where you could raise your hand and ask the priest to "explain in great detail the crap, excuse me, information he just rattled off- It has too many variables"- Oh listen to me here, I have gotten off the subject- As I was saying- Me, I did pull out my camera after the service ended and took some photos of the windows- Hell, you won't see me back in there unless it is for my funeral- All the little frosty haired people walking past me, probably thought I was strange and UNHOLY- My camera batteries were low and the stained glass windows are actually more colorful- Very saturated color- The SS stands for Sassy Saratee, of course